Welcome to the FCS Directors On Demand/Self Study Education, created and maintained by the Judicial Council of California Center for Families Children & the Courts (CFCC). On this site you will find distance education courses developed by the FCS team that are based on earlier live FCS leadership trainings or webinars, or created in studio. The video and audio courses on this site have content of professional interest to Family Court Services (FCS) Directors, Managers, Supervisors, and Court Administrators.
Courses are organized by topic area to assist you in your search. You may also search the FCS Directors On Demand/Self Study Course Master List.

This training is designed for new and relatively new Family Court Directors, Managers, Supervisors, and Court Administrators (FCS Directors) of court-connected mediation and child custody recommending counseling (CCRC) programs in the California superior courts. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about best practices in managing FCS programs from well-respected, seasoned colleagues.
Topics covered during this training include the role of FCS leadership and how to establish and maintain professional working relationships; the methods to incorporate statute, rules of court, and case law into everyday practice; implement best and promising practices in cases with domestic violence in efforts to promote safety in the workplace and through mediation/CCRC services; enhance knowledge and skills in personnel management; and describe effective uses of data. Attendees will engage in small and large group interactive discussions about challenges faced by FCS directors.
Live Date: January 13, 2023
Cheryl Scott, Director, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Fresno
Jim Paulsen, former Director, Family and Probate Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa; Training Consultant

Please come here often to check what's new and trending!

This site is for Family Court Services Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Court Administrators (FCS Directors). If you are an FCS Director and would like access to this protected site, please contact Nadine Blaschak-Brown via email at nadine.blaschak-brown@jud.ca.gov.
Thank you!

The Family Court Services (FCS) On Demand/Self Study Distance Education site provides recorded educational courses developed for earlier live, both in person and web-based FCS trainings. Available online, the courses have content of professional interest to Family Court Services (FCS) child custody mediators, recommending counselors and evaluators, court investigators,—and FCS directors, managers, supervisors, and court administrators.
Once completed, please submit video course completion forms to fcs@jud.ca.gov.

Welcome to Family Court Services (FCS) Institute for New Court Professionals (NCP) training folder. In here, you will find training materials, and resources.

The Family Court Services (FCS) Resources Toolkit and Resources was developed to provide resources and tools to both new and seasoned staff to assist you in your role as a mediator/CCRC. The toolkit provides a range of information for Family Court Services (FCS) professionals on trainings and education opportunities, downloadable course materials, online resources, reports, and reference documents.

Welcome to the Family Court Services (FCS) Library of Past Program Materials! This site includes information about FCS training and education materials from prior educational events. Non-recorded program materials are posted here for reference and additional training resources.

This section of Moodle announces education opportunities from various organizations including national and international organizations and institutes of higher education, which have been reviewed and are approved for education credit under the California Rules of Court (CRC). Training opportunities are organized alphbetically by the organization hosting the events. Please check this section often as we are constantly researching and reviewing non-CFCC training opportunities.
In order to obtain CRC education credit, please complete the FCS Staff Video Course Completion Form (VCCF) or the FCS Directors Video Course Completion Form for your corresponding position. Professional staff, please remember to obtain your supervisor's signature on the VCCF.
Have you come across non-CFCC distance education programs not listed here? To request California Rule of Court (CRC) credit for non-CFCC trainings not already preapproved here, please complete the Qualtrics-based E-TAR form located at: https://cfcc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3JzY7FXnXwq8bT8. For more information about the E-TAR process and requirements, please check the FCS Resources page under E-TAR Forms and Information.